MedlinePlus Connect and Codes

Open MedlinePlus Connect Web Application Demonstration

in another browser window to work through this tutorial side by side.

Let's explore how MedlinePlus Connect uses codes to connect your system with useful patient education.

The page you are viewing is the "MedlinePlus Connect Web Application Demonstration" page. This tool will allow us to see what patient education materials specific medical codes will retrieve in MedlinePlus Connect.

We're going to give you three codes. The three codes  stem from an interaction of a patient with her EHR. Your task is to use the MedlinePlus Connect Web Application Demonstration tool to determine the diagnosis, lab test, and treatment of the patient.

Try finding this code:

LOINC 11268-0

Find the appropriate search box on the page and use the radial buttons to select the appropriate code system.

What type of code is LOINC 11268-0?

What does the code LOINC 11268-0 match in MedlinePlus?

Return to the demonstration tool and now try finding this code:

ICD-10-CM J02.0

Find the appropriate search box on the page and use the radial buttons to select the appropriate code system.

What type of code is ICD-10-CM J02.0?

What does the code ICD-10-CM J02.0 retrieve in MedlinePlus?

Return to the demonstration tool and now try finding this code:

RXCUI 313797

Find the appropriate search box on the page and use the radial buttons to select the appropriate code system.

What type of code is RXCUI 313797?

What does the code RXCUI 313797 retrieve in MedlinePlus?


Congratulations! You've completed this exercise in exploring how codes link your system to MedlinePlus Connect and provide educational resources for your patients or health care providers.

You can now close the guide windows to return to the MedlinePlus Connect tutorial in Moodle.

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Developed resources reported in this site are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012344 with the University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of NIH..